Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 8 & 9 - Night

Hey guys I'm so sorry the I haven't gotten the time to blog! I have been so busy with trying to do stuff with my track! It's so much fun shadowing Christian! We are BFF's! He is so amazing and so talented at the bass. I'm in Social. But today we went to a soup kitchen and I got to talk to a lot of people about the Gospel. I was so blessed because I met someone that was a strong Christian. He gave me so much wisdom with our hour and a half conversation. God put him in my life to help me grow. And we grew from each other. But I actually have 0 clue where we are going tomorrow! So yea. Y'all please be in prayer about me and all of the other SLAyers! We are being pushed this week cause last week we were all together and now we hardly see each other! Anyways love y'all so much! Goodnight :))

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 7 - Night

So today was awesome! I got to find out who my staffer is! My staffer is Christian, the bass player, in the band! He's so chilled and laid back! I will be in Social this week! I really want yall to be in prayer for this week! I need to come into this week with a nice spirit! Anyways the new SLAbies are gonna be here tomorrow! And im on the excitement team so i get to beat the churches vans and cars with noodles!!! Tomorrow is gonna be an awesome time also! Cant wait for the new SLAbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 6 - Night

It was really sad to see all of the campers leave... But the great thing is that i made long relationships with them. But after people left it was really busy.. we had to go to the Staff Office and work down there for like 2 hours!! We made signs for the churches coming up next week!! The signs look really good! then from there we went and ate Subway! Where we played nose tag there which was really intense. But we got to spend time with some of the staffers and it was really awesome. This first week was really awesome! We are trying to STALK a lot of the new SLAyers coming up! Also known as our SLAbies (like SLA + Babies)! God is doing such amazing work in our lives! Im so happy to be here right now! I think this week is gonna be such an amazing time! We are going to church tomorrow!! Anyways im going to bed goodnight :) i actually got a nap today for 2 hours! love yall!

Day 6 - Morning

Hey friends!!!!!! Today is the day that all the campers leave... It's really sad! I have come to know a lot of them as friends. We are going to breakfast at 7:15 and then to AM Show/Closing Celebration. It's really really sad cause the week 2 SLAyers are leaving today.... I'm really bummed out about that. But we'll all get through it! I have no clue what we are doing after AM Show! So today's just gonna be a surprise I guess lol :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 5 - Night

Sorry friends that im posting so late! I just finally got in my room to go to bed. Well we got up this morning and went to Morning Worship and it was amazing!! Then from there we went to Bible Study. But this one was different. Out if no where Sean-Marie tells us that we are actually teaching the class. And she went and sat in the chairs. So it kinda challenged us to start teaching on the spot. But it felt good after we taught the other SLAyers. It was cool to me!! We went to a site today, and it was called "My Own Backyard". It was a facility in the area where many bad things go on. And they build relationships with these guys!! It was amazing. I actually did a PCY activity lol. We had to pull the weeds out of the garden and then we had to set up a huge tomato plant. We put the stakes into the ground and what not. Y'all should be very proud :) anyways, it's 1:15 A.M. Good night, love yalls

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 4 - Night

So today we went to the amazing place called Room in the Inn. And it's a homeless shelter and it's amazing. I was so blessed as we all served there. Even though I was taken COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone, it's ok. God works in amazing ways. We went in and it was like Health Clinic Day. And we were in the foot clinic. So we ended up massaging/cleaning/clipping toenails and such. I was completely blind sided since I have like terrible phobia of feet. And especially to take care of someone else's feet. It was a very humbling experience. Did you know that most homeless people walk 14+ hours a day? That's a lot. And I feel bad for all of the times I have complained for walking for like an hour. Anyways I'm tired.. So I'm gonna go to sleep. Night!!! :) love y'all!!!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 3 - Night

Just got in from SLA Devotion. God is moving this group in miraculous ways! I have many things that I can't wait to share with my youth group. These days are going by so slow and I'm loving it that it's going that way!! Worship tonight was one of the best experiences I have had in a long time. I'm loving what God is calling me to do and I am unashamed to say I'm going to do my best to try as follow His will. We heard like 2 new songs tonight and try all almost made me cry. And we sang Revelation Song>>>>> I was really happy to hear that. I just wanna thank God for bringing all of the SLAyers together because they are all like family to me. I'm so blessed to have them in my life!!! Love spending time with these guys! I'm about to do my QT and them go to bed :) just to keep you updated, we are actually going to a site tomorrow! It's called Room in the Inn. It's a homeless shelter and we are gonna serving there. Pray for us! Love y'all :)